A beautiful painting by Marc Chagall

This most beautiful, light-filled painting of a sunlit corner of a home (his home?) by Marc Chagall, was painted in 1918. It isn’t as whimsically poetic as the paintings he’s well-known for, but it captures a mood, a moment, and a domestic tranquility. I’ve just dipped into his autobiography, My Life, and am reminded, in […]

Parshat Chayei Sara

This week’s parsha is Chayei Sara. In the picture, Eliezer, Avraham’s servant, already knows that Rivka meets the criterion of kindness to be chosen to marry Yaakov, but hasn’t told her yet. He has a cheeky and knowing look about him while Rivka happily waters the camels. Quality print on canvas of this painting: $60: […]

This week’s Parsha – Vayera

This is my artwork for Parshat Vayera, concerning the difficult story of “Akedat Yitzhak” – the Binding of Isaac. I used a lot of red, which intensifies the drama of the situation, but, as this is primarily a work of Jewish art for a younger audience, I limited the tension and emphasized the good and […]