A Jerusalem Imagined


Acrylic on Canvas, 60 x 80cm

A mystical and joyous painting of an ancient imagined Jerusalem sitting in its rich hilly landscape. In the distance is the Holy City with the Temple – in my mind, it’s the Second Temple – and its ancillary buildings, fortified by the city wall. Everything is resplendent, glowing with light, colour and energy, emphasizing the imminence of the Divine. A man is walking through the olive groves towards the city, with his small son holding his hand. A smaller fortified city is seen in the middle ground of the painting, within whose walls is lush greenery. This painting emerged very quickly at the beginning, and then laid dormant for many months until I realised it was actually almost finished. Then it took a few weeks of intermittent attention to the smaller details and the sky, to make it complete.

NOTE: Shipping of original artwork needs to be arranged specially for each piece. Do get in touch and I’ll let you know the details.

