Succah-building video

Building a Succah is basically putting up a hut. It’s set up for a week each year at the festival of Succot (Tabernacles). The Succah represents the People of Israel’s sojourn in the desert and the transition from slavery to freedom. It is also a symbol of the impermanence of life, and divine protection. For me, it is also an opportunity for a bit of Jewish creative expression: This is the succah I made as my own take on the traditional version. Over two or three years I collected various street-found IKEA parts and with these, made a modular succah which can be stored away and rebuilt every year.

Above is a quick video of us building our Succah last week….And here is a picture of the same Succah taken a couple of years ago, after some wonderful light rain. The light was really golden and beautiful!

Building a Succah: Made by the artist at his home. this Succah made from IKEA parts, photographed in sunlight after rain.

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