Shana Tova!

Shana Tova: Two ceramic Jewish people with Happy New Year captions

Wishing you a Shana Tova!

Shana Tova and family update: We’ve had a fairly intensive summer, mainly focused on celebrating our son Ariel’s bar mitzvah. We had twenty guests from the UK who came specially – family and friends. It was a really amazing, wonderful and meaningful event – or series of events – but now we’re back into the routine of work and school. We’re also definitely enjoying the slightly cooler weather, the refreshing and spiritually renewing atmosphere of the New Year, and Succot is on the horizon. Yeah! Another chance to build our bespoke succah made of IKEA-parts. We’ll be trying to get it started early this year – just so it’s not a last-minute rush. Also, so that you can sleep more easily at night, you should know that I’ve been oiling the wooden supporting-posts for the succah with linseed oil, to keep them fresh and healthy and water-resistant. It’s probably my own way of praying for rain!

Wishing you Shana Tova: a Happy, Healthy, Prosperous, Peaceful and Colourful New Year!

Darius, Lili and Ariel

On the Chabad site you can read a nice description of the significance of Rosh Hashana.

And you may also like my Biblical artwork depicting the cycle of the Jewish Year.


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